Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Store bought or handmade?

What type of gifts do you give for the holidays?  Do you buy all of your gifts?  Make most of them?  An equal combination of store bought and handmade?  I've always bought all of my gifts for family and friends.  It can be so hard finding something personal that way though.  This year I decided to make a lot of gifts.  Part of it is to save money.  But partially also because I never know what to get for my friends.  You know the ones that you definitely want to get gifts for but don't get to see every weekend and so you can't quite pick the perfect gift in the store?  I love sewing and baking and have just ventured into some jewelry making.  I love crafts in general and realized that I could use my craftiness to make things for my loved ones.

In need of ideas for some easy homemade gifts?
*cookie mix in a jar
*baked goods (brownies, cookies, fudge, rice krispy treats, etc)  stored in a Christmas tin
*personalized stationary (calligraphy or stamps)
*knitted scarves or hats
*fleece blankets
*dinner gift basket, complete with recipe and non perishable goods used in the recipe (think pasta dishes)
*coupons (free babysitting, cook dinner, girls/guys night out, coffee date w/ friend)
*mini scrapbook or just a couple scrapbook pages

After the holidays I'll share pics of what I decided to make for my friends and family!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mini Office Assistant

She makes copies, sends faxes, and orders pizza!  Alli loves being our little office gopher.  She regularly helps us make copies and send faxes (she loves pressing the buttons!).  Today she even decided that we were going to order lunch!  She brought over a take out menu and said, Mommy I want lunch.  We asked her what she wanted.  She looked at the paper a minute and declared, "Pizza!"  Guess we should order food less often for lunch, lol.

Friday, September 24, 2010

He's actually ready this time!

Last Sunday at church I realized that my hubby is actually ready to have a baby.  Alli was a surprise and he definitely wasn't ready for her.  This time we've been trying for almost a year and he said he was ready, but I wasn't sure.  Every month when the test was negative he would shrug it off and say it's just not time.  It seemed like he didn't really care either way.  But this past Sunday at church there was a little baby a few rows in front of us.  Hubby turned to me, pointed out the baby boy and said, "look how cute that baby is! I can't help but stare at him!"  It melted and broke my heart at the same time.  It was exciting realizing he really does want another baby right now, but at the same time I was hurting because I haven't been able to give him one and I'm pretty sure it's something wrong with me.  Poop!  Hoping to be able to do something about this soon!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Renewed Hope

Can I just say that I LOVE the Creighton Model of natural family planning!  A close friend of mine knew we had been having difficulties conceiving and suggested I learn the Creighton Model.  Pretty much it's a type of charting that focuses mainly on external cervical mucus observations throughout the day as well as lengths of the different phases of your cycle (i.e. period, pre-ovulation, post-ovulation/luteal).  By taking detailed notes each day about these things the teacher I see every 2 weeks can make an educated guess at why I'm having fertility issues.  Just like other forms of NFP (natural family planning), Creighton can be used to achieve or avoid pregnancy.  Creighton is also used however to monitor a woman's health and fertility. 

So,  I started seeing my teacher mid July and have been charting for a little more than 2 cycles now.  I just feel so hopeful now.  I had kinda given up a little before because I knew a young (ages 26 & 27), fertile (hello, we had 1 kid already!) couple should be able to conceive in 4-6 months, if not less.  I also know that a regular Gyno won't start doing any fertility testing until after a whole year of trying at this age. Now if I was over 35 it'd be a different story.  So just doing something proactive gave me a little more hope.  After 2 cycles, my teacher and I noticed that my luteal phase of my cycles was varying a lot.  It should stay within pretty much the same from cycle to cycle (within about 1-2 days more or less).  Mine was 16 days one month and 11 the next!  This is my third full month charting and we're going to see how it goes, but she said if it jumps up to a higher number again (and I'm not pregnant) then it could mean something is iffy.  I did find out though that probably whatever is causing us to have trouble conceiving is easily treatable.  She said most of the time with couples who have had a child already, the problem is hormonal.  She thinks in my case it could be a lack of progesterone.  So we'll see....fingers crossed that I'm preggo this month!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Making a baby is hard!

So I just haven't been in the mood to write lately.  I guess it's hard to feel inspired to write about motherhood when I'm having such a hard time conceiving.  I know I haven't mentioned it before, but we've been trying for baby #2 for 8 months now. 

It was so easy with Alli.  Actually we weren't trying.  Technically we were trying not to, but we were also newlyweds using the sympto-thermal method of natural family planning.  If you're not familiar, basically I check different signs of fertility including my waking daily temperature in order to track my fertile and infertile times during my cycle.  When we conceived Alli we should have been abstaining for about 10 days in the middle of each cycle in order to not get pregnant.  But hey, like I said we were newlyweds and abstaining that long didn't always happen. 

This time around we've been actively trying, using those fertility signs to tell us when is the exact right time to try.  This time has not been quite as easy as I thought it would be.  Like so many other people we thought, the first baby was an "oopsy" so actually trying for this one should be easy, right?  NOT! 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What's gonna work? Teamwork!

Alli is completely obssesed with Wonder Pets, a NickJr cartoon, so when we decided it was time for her to get "big girl" furniture, I figured it was also time to redo the theme in her room from "baby princess" to Wonder Pets.  No Wonder Pets bedroom is complete without a flyboat, and Alli got hers for under $3.00.  The only part I had to buy was the red laundry basket.  The rest was created with various craft materials I had at home (mostly foam paper and a hot glue gun).  A link to directions on how to make this toy box will follow soon.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Yay for Moms!

Just wanted to wish all the moms and expectant mommies a very happy Mother's Day!!!  Make sure you take some time to yourself and relax today.  You deserve it!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day! Cloth Diapers, Anyone?

So, I've been considering making the switch to cloth diapers (next time around, whenever that may be).  It definitely makes me nervous.  With Alli I only half-considered thinking about switching, and then decided it was easier (especially the first time around) to go the disposable route.

I think I may actually do it next time though.  In searching the web I've found that cloth diapering doesn't have to be difficult or messy. 

Messy was my main concern.  Poopy messes to be exact.  I just couldn't imagine dunking a poopy diaper in the toilet to rinse it off.  I HATE putting my hand in the toilet.  I'm a Clorox Toilet Wand type of person when it comes to cleaning.  When I was in high school one of my chores was cleaning the bathroom....with just an old wash cloth and Ajax powder.  ICK!  I guess after a while you get used to sticking your hand in the toilet, but if I can avoid it, I will.

This brings me to one of my discoveries.  (Sorry, I can't remember exactly who online suggested it).  The Potty Pail Diaper Sprayer Hose . This thing is such a great idea!  No more hands, or diapers for that matter, in the toilet!  I was so excited when I found it that I was ready to switch right then and there.  However, Alli is a little more than 2 and potty trained already.  But we are trying for number 2, so I guess I'm just thinking ahead...way ahead, since I'm not even pregnant yet.

I'm still trying to work out what my favorite cloth diaper is.   There are just so many options out there now!  Much better than when my mother diapered me with the standard thick rectangle cloth and pins.  Those huge pins are scary!  You know my father actually pinned my hip when he was changing my diaper...without noticing!!  Thank God I don't remember because I'm sure it was painful!

Thanks to Design Mom, I've found a lot of great info on cloth diapers.  So I really like this diaper by bumGenius.  It's an all-in-one cloth diaper, plus it's one size fits all! Seems like it would be the perfect solution for a cloth diaper newbie like myself.  Although, the Changing Diapers, Changing Minds program offered by Jillian's Drawers might be worth checking out too.

What are your thoughts on cloth diapers?  Do you have a favorite brand?

My Poor Baby: Childhood Diseases

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.  Really?  I never would have expected to deal with my little one having that.  I've heard of it before, but didn't think it would be as bad as it is either.  Chicken pox, colds, poison ivy, the flu, pink eye, stomach bugs....sure, I expected those.  But Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease?  Nope, not even on my radar!

That's why I was so worried and caught completely off guard when Alli came down with it.  She started with a fever Monday of last week, but I figured just another cold probably.  Then a couple days later, she started complaining that her mouth hurt, and when I checked her gums were a little swollen.  So then I figured, swollen, achey gums, fever... must be teething again.   (She has all her baby teeth, but some on the top are not quite completely in yet.)  Well, then last Friday her gums started bleeding and her fever was rising a little higher than a teething fever.  It was time to let the doctor in on this. 

Friday, April 16th - Doctor's appointment revealed a viral infection.  Should be gone in a week,  keep her hydrated and as comfortable as possible, they said.  Easier said than done...you try getting a 2 year old to eat when her mouth bleeds the second anything touches it!

Sunday, April 18th - The blisters in her mouth got so bad she could hardly eat.  Time to visit Patient First.  Same conclusion as the pediatrician, only slightly more info.  Coxsackie virus...keep her hydrated, numb her gums with prescription meds, and give her Tylenol for pain/fever. 

What the heck is Coxsackie Virus???  Ohhh Google.....  coxsackie virus - the virus that has been a pain in my baby's mouth for over a week, the virus that causes Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.  So in doing my research I've found that the symptoms last anywhere from 1-2 weeks.  They can be as simple as a rash on the hands and/or feet or as severe as my daughter's case, blisters in the mouth - on the gums, tongue, insides of cheeks, roof of the mouth, inside of lips, plus very irritating rashes on the hands, feet, and/or butt.  And there's just about nothing that you can do about it.  Try to get them to eat/drink as much as possible. (Dairy is best as it coats the sores in the mouth and may help it to heal faster.  Citrusy/acidy/salty foods are a definite no-no.)  Tylenol for pain and fever.  Orajel to numb the gums.  Good luck if your little one ever gets this.  It's tough for them to go through and tough for you to watch, almost helpless.

Monday, April 19th - No more fever! Unfortunately, that didn't releive much of her suffering. Still waiting for the blisters to subside.

We're hoping and praying that the blisters go away soon because I just can't see her living on frozen Gogurts and ice cream for much longer.  I know she's getting tired of it too.  Last night she tried some of her daddy's dinner and had to spit out the breaded chicken patty that caused her gums to start bleeding again.  Poor thing, I guess it's back to the Gogurt!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Loving God: Wisdom from a 2 Year Old

Everyday on our way to the office we pass our church.  And everyday when we pass our church, Alli asks me, "We go to church?"  I don't think I've ever seen someone so eager to attend mass.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, just surprised.  I hope she keeps that love of the Church as she grows. 

So anyway, Sunday rolls around and we pull into the church parking lot.  Alli is so excited as she realizes where we are.  She's almost jumping out of her carseat as she lets out a little scream, "We go to church?!?!"  We answer her calmly giggling, "Yes we're going to church to see Jesus." 
"We go to church!! We go to church!!  I wuv Jesus!!!"
It was so adorable we couldn't keep from laughing and assured her, "We love Jesus too and Jesus loves you!"

Looking back at the event from Sunday, it warms my heart.  I'm touched to know that my little one loves Jesus.  It makes me feel like I'm doing something right, you know?  Even more though, it reminds me of the innocent, unconditional love children have for the Lord.  I mean, if God love us just because, why can't we do the same?

"I not Babe. I Alli, okay?"

Yup, that's my little smart mouth!  Yesterday, on our way to work, she was trying to get my attention while sitting in her carseat.  I answered her, "Yes, Babe?"  And the response I get?  "I not Babe.  I Alli, okay?"  I still don't know what she wanted my attention for, but I know not to call her Babe again!

"I found Jesus!"

I was remembering today something that my 2 year old daughter, Alli, did a few weeks ago when she went to youth group with me.  (I help out with the middle school youth group at my church).  Anyway, the pre-teens were all in small groups discussing the topic of the night when Alli runs across the room, points at the crucifix and yells out, "I found Jesus!"  She did it several other times throughout the night, but it was just so cute.  I'm happy my little miss has already found Jesus, haha!